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Trainer Red
Player ID: 247253
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 24
Energetic immunity : 48
Trade sense : 10
Briskness : 35
Initiative : 14
Defence : 97
Attack : 283
Power : 52
Luck : 8
Herbalism : 0
Volition : 0
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Light = 408
Time Principle = 16
Element Principle = 623
Transposition Principle = 1619
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Battle stats
Won: 335 | Lost: 558
Honor: 4981
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
After an epic clash between Green and I at Mt.Silver which resulted in a rip in the space time continuum I was teleported to the lands of Magic Duel with none of my previous pokemon as an aid to help guide myself back home. I realized that it was useless because of the complexity of the event that occurred and decided to permanently reside in this alternate universe.
With the same determination I've had at home in Kanto where was I known to be the greatest of them all I have a desire to be amongst the greatest in this new land. I've quickly realized how much the battles in this Universe are complex requiring even more thinking when approaching battles.
Patience is a virtue that needs to be exercised thoroughly as I intend to move slowly towards my new gold. Abandoning the desire and the acclaim of Champion I seek to master a new way. With very subtle variations being applied to each new battle I Red grow day by day adding to the knowledge I gather I become stronger proving to myself that I may compete amongst the greats of this new Realm.
I move silently exploiting the weaknesses of those who brag and are full of pride swiftly moving, knowing that power in itself isn't achieved by simply mere force but by the exercise of virtue in differing situations for this is my aim.

Some of my creatures
Glorfindel Fimbulvetr Beleg Strongbow Dreamweaver Telperion Carcharoth

Will be updated with Time!

Page 310 - The Inner Sun - Iam.
Imb’s anxiety grows, but still the quiet darkness does not relent. Making matters worse, gloom is now joined by a biting chill. “I'll start a fire while I wait.” Imb produces a small tinderbox from his pocket and quickly rubs the flint together. Sparks leap onto some dry pages but quickly fade as if the darkness is just too great to allow the fire to penetrate it. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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